Dr. Rama Mani
Peacebuilder, Poet and Performance Artist,
Specialist in Global Security and Transformative Leadership.
Founder of Theatre of Transformation Academy
Convenor of Enacting Global Transformation Initiative,
at the Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford
Theatre of Transformation Academy was established as a non-profit association in Geneva registered under the Swiss civil code, in February 2017. The Academy’s Founding Circle comprising 27 personalities from diverse backgrounds from all parts of the world, who collaborated in developing its methodology. The Academy’s purpose is to support the emerging creative power of humanity to shape our shared future, through its transformative four-step process and programmes. Its philosophy is to create circles of solidarity between people and cultures, and to nurture a culture of gifting to fund its peace and justice missions and humanitarian initiatives. download brochure | go to website
Enacting Global Transformation Initiative was established in February 2017,
as a collaborative initiative at the Centre of International Studies at the University of Oxford,
the birthplace of the Theatre of Transformation methodology.
The initiative is guided by a Global Advisory Group of eminent scholars and decision makers from Oxford and around the world.
The Initiative’s objective is to redefine the paradigms of power underlying today’s crises, and foster humane, creative and effective responses to them.
visit website | go to Oxford website
Kosmos Journal Article:
'Theatre of Transformation' by Rama Mani,
in the Fall/Winter 2016 Edition of
Kosmos Journal
read article | download article
European Business Review
featuring Rama Mani on 11 April 2016,
Also Featured in EBR Special Issue 2015 on ‘Female Leaders in Our Times’
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Deccan Herald
Merging boundaries through
'Theatre of transformation'
Sunday 04 December 2016
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Dr. Rama Mani
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Happenings of Transformation in 2018
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Live Streamed events
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Since 2014, Rama was been invited by a diverse range of host and partner organizations to offer a total of over 100 Theatre of Transformation events on diverse global themes. She has collaborated with:
The United Nations & other international & governmental organizations:
United Nations Office in Geneva; UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UN Centre for Trade & Development (UNCTAD); UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA); Joint UNEP-OCHA Environmental Emergencies Unit;, International Organization for Migration (IOM); Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU); British Houses of Parliament.
Corporate Leadership Summits and Forums:
Global Female Leaders Summit (Berlin); Human Resources Summit (Istanbul); Global Leadership Network (Rio de Janeiro); World Investment Forum (United Nations, Geneva); TedX Women Covent Garden, (London).
Cultural Institutions and Festivals:
The Oxford Literary Festival; The Ashmolean Museum, (Oxford); Winnipeg Art Gallery; the French Consul and l’Institut Francais in Istanbul; World Women Festival (Oslo); Mahmoud Darwich Museum (Ramallah); Place to B for COP 21: UN Climate Change Conference (Paris).
International Foundations and Non-Governmental Organizations:
World Future Council; Initiatives of Change; Right Livelihood Award Foundation; Women in International Security and Conflict Management (WISCOMP); CORO-India, Vimochana.
Academic and Policy Institutions:
University of Oxford; University of Geneva; Graduate Institute, Geneva; Geneva Centre for Security Policy; University of Dundee; University of Winnipeg; St. Gallen University; Jawaharlal Nehru University; Jindal Global University; Lebanese University; Dar Al Kalima University College, Bethlehem; Indus Training and Research Institute, Bangalore.